Exciting Ministry Development!

Greetings friends,

Happy New Year! I pray 2025 has started well for you and your family.

We have some exciting news! As you may know, after much prayer and consideration, Allison and I have decided to move to the USA. Over the last few years, we have developed some strong networks and faithful friends and partners in the States. A big thank you to those who have been working with us and helping us with the transition. We plan to land in Cincinnati on February 3rd.

Along with developing the ministry of Project114 in the USA, we want to spend more time in Ukraine, and the Middle East to support the persecuted and vulnerable, and train our teams on the ground as we develop our trauma healing ministry in these countries.

Emily (15) will be coming with us. She is excited but it is challenging for her to leave her school, and her friends and begin a new life in a different country. Timothy our oldest (23) will be staying in Brisbane as he is half way through his builders apprenticeship. We are burdened to leave Tim but he now has a serious girlfriend named Demi. She is a lovely girl and we are thrilled she is in Tim’s life.

Prayer and Praise

  • Thank you for sending us. Praise the Lord with us for this opportunity to expand the ministry of Project114. Pray with us for a smooth transition to the USA and the Lord’s blessing and protection. Pray that Project114 Australia would continue to thrive as we work on scaling the ministry Down Under.

  • Pray with us for Timothy who will be staying in Australia, and for Emily who will be going with us that they would know the presence, love and grace of the Holy Spirit during this time.

    Jesus has burdened my heart more and more these last few months from Matthew 9:36-38, “When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Please continue to pray with us and for us that we would always draw on the compassion of Jesus as we touch the lives of those who are lost and broken. Pray that many others would be gripped with urgency to join us in the Kingdom harvest, so that together we would embody the hope of the Resurrection in the hardest places.

Be encouraged by my latest Video “The Discipline of Prayer!”

Thank you again for your faithful support and commitment to us and our vision.

Blessings, Simon and Allison